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Tap water in Spain

Spain, a country with diverse climatic conditions and geographical features, has a well-developed water supply infrastructure. In urban areas such as Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and Seville, water supplies are modern and efficient, while challenges may exist in some rural and island-based regions such as the Canary Islands. Spain also relies on advanced water treatment technologies and seawater desalination plants to meet the needs in drier regions.

Quality of tap water in Spain

The tap water in Spain is of high quality and complies with the strict EU guidelines for drinking water. It is extensively treated and regularly checked to ensure safety and cleanliness. However, water quality can vary regionally, particularly in areas that are more influenced by agriculture and industry or where natural resources are scarcer.

Can you drink tap water in Spain?

Yes, tap water in Spain is generally safe to drink. In most urban and rural areas, residents and visitors use tap water for all household purposes, including drinking and cooking. However, in some coastal regions and on the islands, people often prefer bottled water because of the taste and added minerals.

Initiatives to improve water quality

Spain is continuously working to improve its water infrastructure by investing in desalination, recycling and efficient irrigation systems, especially in arid regions such as Andalusia. These measures are crucial to ensure long-term water quality and availability, also in the face of the challenges posed by climate change.

Recommendations for travelers and residents

Travellers and residents are advised to Always treat water before consumptionThis can be done by boiling, chemical treatment with iodine or chlorine, or by using water filters. In addition, water from private wells or local sources should be tested regularly to ensure that the water is free from harmful contaminants.

Another useful method to directly check the quality of tap water is a Water test. These easy-to-use strips provide a quick and inexpensive way to test water quality at home or on the go.

Water quality by country


The high quality of tap water in Spain reflects the country's commitment to advanced water management practices and environmental protection. Despite regional differences, tap water is largely safe and used daily by the population, making Spain an example of successful water resource management in Europe.
